It’s the # 1 drink for weight loss


Purified water is the best drink on the planet for good health and also for weight loss. Water quenches thirst because it fills the abdomen and satisfies the appetite, and thus contributes to weight loss, especially since the part of the brain that interprets the signals of hunger and thirst can confuse these feelings, according to this. which was published by Eat This Not That.

A scientific study, published in Annals of Family Medicine, found a significant association between insufficient water intake and obesity, suggesting that proper hydration plays a key role in maintaining adequate weight.

cumin water

Trista Best, an American dietitian, recommends trying cumin water, which can be easily made at home using dried cumin seeds.
Dr Best says cumin is an antioxidant-rich spice that shows promise for improving the immune system, gut health, reducing inflammation, and reducing cancer risk.

Burn fat

Best says, “Research was conducted on the benefits of cumin over fat burning, and the results showed increased metabolic rate in those who lost weight after consuming” cumin water, noting that it is known that “a faster metabolism means the body burns calories at an average rate.

Reduced weight and body mass index

She explains that in a small clinical trial involving 88 obese women, an experimental group of women ate yogurt with cumin added in two meals a day for three months, while the control group ate the same amount of yogurt but without adding. of cumin powder during the same period. . It turned out that women who consumed cumin added to yogurt significantly reduced their weight, body mass index, waistline and body fat. They also had lower total cholesterol, blood triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol levels while increasing good HDL cholesterol.

blood sugar

Dr Best also says that cumin water helps regulate blood sugar by helping cells respond properly to glucose and insulin. When blood sugar levels increase, more glucose can be stored in the body’s cells than it needs to generate energy, and it can turn into fat.

How to prepare cumin water

Dr Best says cumin water can be consumed hot or cold, as desired, and is prepared simply as follows:
1. Soak a tablespoon of cumin seeds in a cup or two of water overnight. (Some prefer to crush the seeds first with a rolling pin, or rolling pin, to squeeze out their natural oils.)
2. The mixture is boiled in the morning for five minutes.
3. Once the water has cooled, it is filtered from the seeds and poured over ice to be eaten cold or reheated to the desired temperature.
“Cumin water has a very metallic / woody taste,” concludes Dr Best. She therefore recommends adding a little natural sweetener or cinnamon to the drink to enhance the flavor.

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