It's the advantage of green tea, carrots and oatmeal


06:00 p

Sunday, March 10, 2019

AT –

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A diet containing compounds found in green tea and carrots could reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in genetically engineered mice in order to develop the disease, a lead that could one day lead to development of a cure for human dementia, revealed US researchers

The study, led by researchers from the University of Southern California's Faculty of Medicine in the United States, supports the idea of ​​a combination therapy rather than a combination therapy. magic shot, as the best way to treat people with Alzheimer's disease.

She pointed out that co-treatment is already the standard of treatment for diseases such as cancer, HIV infection and rheumatoid arthritis.

The study, published in the journal Biologic Chemical, showed that a combination of EGCG, found in green tea and folic acid (AF), and the elements found in each of the Islands, tomato, wheat and oats help restore functional spatial memory.

It was also observed that after three months of treatment, mice with Alzheimer's disease were well behaved compared to unaffected mice.

"We do not need to wait 10 to 12 years for a drug to be marketed," said Terence Town, a professor at the University of California's faculty of medicine. dietary changes today very encouraging. "

For the present study, the researchers assigned 32 mice with symptoms similar to Alzheimer's disease to one of four groups comprising equal numbers of men and women for 3 months.

The dose was 30 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, a dose easily tolerated by humans and consumed as part of a healthy diet. The researchers pointed out that the results of this study suggested that some readily available supplements could protect against dementia in humans.

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