It's the closest wrestler to be Roman Rynes's opponent in Russelmania


Photo of The Independent

The Roman rains returned to wrestling shows, appearing in Roy's latest show, announcing good news for the public that he was about to recover from his leukemia.

Vince McMahon, head of WWE, seems to be trying to exploit the great craze for the return of star star Roman Rains to free wrestling.

Roman Rynes is expected to be present at the Fast Lane Festival on March 10 for a gun exchange.

Where the Arena Arena has announced an uneven match in which Roman Rennes and Seth Rawlins will be in a team against Bobby Lashley, Drew McIntyre and Baron Corbin.

Vince McMahn wants to bring together the greatest number of stars at the next festival of dreams. The WWE President is therefore very much in the presence of Roman Raines at the Russelmania 35 festival.

But the question that worries the public is the identity of the opponent who will face the star Roman Rynes at the next festival of dreams.

There seems to be a lot of talk about this, but according to a report on WrestleVotes, he indicated that discussions were underway on the possibility of a showdown between John Cena and Roman Raines at the Russelmania festival.