Jazan .. Security agencies investigate the murder of a young man by his cousin


Jazan .. Security services investigate the murder of a young man by his cousin "/>

Jazan security authorities investigated the killing of two young men one on the other,

Jazan security forces managed to arrest the murderer and to initiate investigations with him, with the participation of forensic evidence and related bodies.

The body of the victim remains in the village of Duraiya, Samta Hospital Refrigerator in the Jazan region until the end of the investigations 006] Jazan .. Security authorities are investigating the murder of a young man by his cousin


Security forces of the Jazan region investigated the assassination of two young men

The security authorities of the Jazan region managed to arrest the killer and open investigations with him, with the participation of forensic evidence and the competent authorities.

The body of the victim He is in the refrigerator of the Samta Hospital in the Jazan region until the end of investigations.

20 July 2018 – 7 Zul Qa'd 1439

01:13 AM [1] Security forces in the Jazan region investigated the murder of two young men on the periphery of each other , in the village of Duraia, and began to turn into clashes between the hands and the end of the body and the disappearance of the killer.

The security authorities of the Jazan region managed to arrest the killer and begin investigations with him, with the participation of forensic evidence and related organs

The body of the victim is still in Samta Hospital until Jazan. ) {
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