Jazan .. two women's cries and a girl suffered fractures do not accompany them .. And Camry move


All hospitals apologized and one of the theaters did not have a specialized orthopedic doctor. And the "health" is listed

A citizen of "Jazan" His mother, his wife and his girl were transferred to the Asir General Hospital and into the armed forces of Khamis Mushayt after being injured by a traffic accident in one of the cars.

My family and I were injured in a traffic accident on Thursday morning, explaining that the three cases had been transferred My wife, mother and daughter went to the hospital "One of the Public Theaters "But the shock was the lack of a specialized orthopedic surgeon who ordered the hospital to request a transfer to other hospitals. "He stayed at the hospital from 7am to 3pm without any intervention," he said, adding that a doctor was present shortly before being released but refused to do anything. it was because he did not want a hospital and that he wanted to go to another hospital. , Which is in contradiction with the health of Jazan, who made me decide to remove them And I drove them to the Assir General Hospital and the Armed Forces Hospital from Khamis Mushait on my private car, cutting about 250 km, where cases were received immediately without any complications and directly to the orthopedic specialists and the necessary work.

He explains that his mother was hypnotized and re-took off and was subjected to operations in all three cases to stabilize fractures in the hospitals, asking for an investigation into the incident, asking: How many time Jazan hospitals go? The inability of the family and cadres and negligence beside the failure to apply the system to transfer cases to private hospitals urgently, because the shortcomings are the culprits, stating that he has filed a complaint with the Ministry of Health.

Commenting on the subject, Jazan Health stated: " previously :" We inform you that no official complaint has been received about this, cases are treated in the where the service is not available.

According to the available information regarding the cases mentioned in your application, the guardian left the hospital before the end of the transfer procedure.

Jazan .. cries of two women and a girl suffered fractures do not accompany them .. And Kamri transfer them to "Asir"

A citizen of Jizan was forced to transfer his mother, wife and daughter after being injured in one of the theaters of Assir General Hospital and Khamis Mushayt's armed forces in his private vehicle. "My family, my mother and my daughter were taken to the hospital of one of the public theaters," said Ahmed Abdullah Azmari, commander of the Koran memorization complex in one of the theaters . But the shock was the lack of a specialist orthopedic specialist, who prompted the hospital to request a transfer to other hospitals, "King Fahd Central, General Bisha, Abu Arish and Sabia", excuse all for the lack of family, which is the major trauma.

Azamari continues: "We stayed at the hospital from 7 am to 3 pm without interference, that he had refused to do anything on the grounds that he did not want to do anything about it. hospital and wanted to go to another hospital, in conflict with Jazan's health, which even decided me to take them to the Assir General Hospital and the military hospital of Khamis Mushayt My own car was cut about 250 km away, where the reception was Machines immediately without complications and doctors direct orthopedic specialists worked too.

He explains that his mother was hypnotized and re-took off and was subjected to operations in all three cases to stabilize fractures in hospitals, asking for an investigation into the incident, asking: How long will Jazan hospitals go? The family's inability and frames and negligence next to the failure to apply the sy stem to transfer cases to private hospitals urgently, because the deficiencies are the culprits, stating that he has filed a complaint with the Ministry of Health.

Commenting on the subject, Jazan Health stated: " previously :" We inform you that no official complaint has been received about this, cases are treated in the where the service is not available. In cases where the service is not available, emergency cases are transferred to the private sector.

In accordance with the available information regarding the cases mentioned in your application, the guardian removed them from the hospital before proceeding with the transfer. July 2018 – 24 Shawwal 1439


All the hospitals apologized and one of the theaters did not

A citizen of Jazan was forced to transfer his mother, his wife and daughter after a traffic accident in one of the theaters of the Assir General Hospital and the armed forces of Khamis Mushayt in his private car. "My family, my mother and my daughter were taken to the one-of-a-kind hospital," said Ahmed Abdullah Azmari, commander of the Koran memorization complex in one of the theaters. The shock was the lack of a specialist orthopedic specialist who had been asked by the hospital to request a referral from other hospitals, "King Fahd Central, General Bisha, Abu Arish and Sabia", s & # They all apologize for the lack of family, which is the major trauma.

Azamari continues: "We stayed at the hospital from 7 am to 3 pm without interference, that he had refused to do anything on the grounds that he did not want to do anything about it. hospital and wanted to go to another hospital, in conflict with Jazan's health, which even decided me to take them to the Assir General Hospital and the military hospital of Khamis Mushayt My private car was cut about 250 km away, where the reception was received The cases immediately without complications and direct doctors specialists in orthopedics also worked

He explains that his mother was hypnotized and has took off and was subjected to operations in all three cases to stabilize fractures in hospitals, requesting an investigation into the incident, asking: How long will Jazan hospitals go? The inability to family and executives and negligence next to the failure to apply r the system to transfer cases to private hospitals urgently, because the deficiencies are the culprits, stating that he has filed a complaint with the Ministry of Health.

Commenting on the subject, Jazan Health stated: " previously :" We inform you that no official complaint has been received about this, cases are treated in the where the service is not available. In cases where the service is not available, emergency cases are transferred to the private sector.

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