Jobs in the Armed Forces Riyadh


Vacancies in the Armed Forces Riyad Al-Wasam has reported to you the website of the Al-Wasat newspaper containing information on vacancies in the armed forces.

Al-Wasat Journal – Al-Wasat Journal

Salary Salary: The equivalent of a second-rate salary + (19659006) 25 percent for work 6 days a week at 8 am day
Salary: equivalent to a fourth place salary + 25 percent for work 6 days a week at an average of 8 hours a day

Conditions: Qualification with a preparatory program of at least one year
Salary: The equivalent of a fourth place salary + 25% for work 6 days a week at an average 8 hours a day.

Technician Salaries / CTB (Total 1)
Requirements: Qualification with a preparatory program of at least one year
Salary: equivalent to a fourth place salary + 25% "Hours per day (19659006) Requirements: Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (Computer Programming)
Salary: equivalent to a salary of 7% + 25% for work 6 days a week at 8 hours a day

Security Guard (total 4)
Conditions: Skill with ability or equivalent
Salary: equivalent to second place salary + 25 percent for work 6 days a week to 8 hours a day

In the 39 In the introduction of these posts, all the candidates applied for the CV of their CV, indicating the address, the mobile number and the mobile number at the following address (BP 73008 Riyadh 11538 Personnel Affairs / Recruitment Division) "A day of its date.

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Source: Harmony

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