Jordanian MP opens "fire" on "Arab Parliament"


Former Bar Chairman Saleh al-Armouti, a member of the Jordanian House of Representatives, said that the 29th conference of the Arab Parliamentary Union entitled "Jerusalem, Eternal Capital of the State of Palestine" did not live up to the situation and the Palestinian people.

Amman – Sputnik. "If the conference wants to put an end to standardization, why is the final declaration of expulsion of Israeli ambassadors from Arab countries having ambassadors from Israel not?"

In a statement to Sputnik, Al-Armouti said that "the conference as a whole does not live up to the level of the event and what the Palestinian people are exposed to".

The twenty-ninth conference of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union ends today in the capital, Amman, calling for an end to all forms of rapprochement and normalization with the Israeli occupiers and the to take a firm stand by closing all the doors of normalization with Israel.

He also stressed the centrality of the Palestinian question, as well as the need to take steps to deal with any plans to liquidate the Palestinian issue to the detriment of partial solutions.

Al-Armouti commented on the conference of the Arab Parliamentary Union

"This conference regrettably recognized the legitimacy of the occupation." When he acknowledged the existence of two states, he legitimized the occupation, occupying 78% of the territories Palestinians and recognized West Jerusalem as the capital of the Zionist entity ". "This is what I consider red lines that should not be approached and serious recognition, and we have been indispensable for this conference."

Article 13 of the final communiqué of the Conference states that "one of the most important measures to support the Palestinians requires the affirmation of all Arab summit resolutions on non-standardization with Israel, and we therefore call for firmness and firmness to push back all the doors of normalization with Israel. "

During the discussion of the final declaration, the Speaker of the Jordanian Parliament, Atef Al-Tarawneh, highlighted the issue of stopping normalization with Israel after Saudi Arabian Shura Council Chairman Abdullah Al-Sheikh and the Speaker of the Egyptian Parliament, Ali Abdel-Al, called for a re-examination of the issue. As well as a document sent by the delegation of the United Arab Emirates to the President of the Egyptian Council of Representatives. Followed by a speech by the President of the UAE National Council, Amal Al Qubaisi. Request that the item be drafted in accordance with the resolutions of the Arab League.

Al-Tarawneh expressed his agreement with the various delegations and supported it in the words of Nabih Berri, Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, the representative of Palestine and the President of the Assembly of the Syrian people, Hamouda Sabbagh . The point, read by Al-Tarawneh in the final declaration, called for an end to normalization with the Israeli occupation and all forms of rapprochement with "occupation".

Although Al-Armouti reserved the position of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates to discuss and discuss this point, he said: "When they say the cessation of the normalization with the Zionist entity, why do not they want to expel Israeli ambassadors to Arab countries or put an end to the agreements of humiliation and humiliation with the Zionist enemy? On the wall apartheid that the International Court in The Hague ruled in 2004, it was outside of international law and international law ".

Aramouti also considered that there

"The contradiction between the requirement to stop any form of normalization and talk at the same time of the Arab initiative," said that "the standardization of the initiative" and explained that the Initiative included "land for peace, all recognition of the Zionist enemy", and added: "land for peace". And normalization and that there is a land will go to the Zionist enemy, "according to his description.

"This statement lacked experts in international law, international legal experts and political experts, although there was a right of return and compensation, but it would have been necessary to recommend to the Security Council that raise this issue in order to demand the implementation of resolution 194/48, the return of the Palestinian people ".

"There is no strong speech, there is no talk of rising to the culture of resistance, there is no condemnation of the countries that have established relations with the country. Zionist enemy There is no expulsion of Israeli ambassadors to Arab countries that have ambassadors with Israel. "

He stressed "that calls for the cessation of forms of normalization to end the agreement on the gas and the carrier of Bahrain and the agreements with the Zionist enemy, whether in Jordan, Egypt or in the Gulf States now ".

In 2016, Jordan Electricity Company signed an agreement with Noble Energy, an American company, to request the import of 40% of the company 's LNG needs to produce electricity from electricity. Israel. While the Bahraini carrier project is still a proposed project between Jordan and Israel to create a channel connecting the Dead Sea to the Red Sea.

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