Juventus News: Ronaldo threatened Baquba after a dramatic celebration during the Atletico match


Sport 360 – The titles of Spanish newspapers on Wednesday, March 13 this year highlighted a victory Juventus In front of Atletico Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo played the main role, in addition to the decisive match of Barcelona tonight against Lyon.

Juventus made it impossible for Atletico Madrid to win 3-0 in the Champions League final.

Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo played a "hat trick" in the goal of Atletico, qualifying Juventus with a total of two matches (3/2).

While Barcelona will play its match against Lyon in the second round of the final prize and will watch for the victory to qualify for the next round.

The website "Sport 360 Arabia" in this report highlights the headlines of Spanish newspapers today:

The newspaper "Marca":


Ronaldo takes control

– Juve needed a trophy for Cristiano

– Atletico was a goal, and his dream of qualifying for the Wanda final was over

Barcelona warned

ISESCO and Marcelo protect themselves

The AS journal:


Cristiano is the king of the Champions League

– Atletico out of the Champions League without a real chance on the goal of Juve

– Hattrick Ronaldo has destroyed Atletico .. Now has 124 league goals

Grezman "We played badly"

Valverde "Real Madrid and San Germain make us cautious"

Mundo Deportivo:


Like the finale

– Barcelona hangs on Camp Nou to beat Lyon

– The big doubt .. Coutinho or Dembili not ready?

Ronaldo tears the dream of Atlantis

The newspaper "Sport":


Today everyone is going to play

– Barça will meet or not be in the Champions League

– Barça must defeat Lyon to qualify

– Valverde will make his final decision regarding Dembele's participation at the last minute before the match

Dark side when Zidane returns. Real Madrid Random

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