Killing a citizen to beat a girl to death in Medina


Citizen – SPA

The Interior Ministry today executed the death penalty against one of the attackers in Madinah, after being recognized guilty of beating a child to death


The oldest / debtor Bin Humaid bin Abdullah Al-Qafari – a Saudi national – to kill the child / Ayyam Muhammad Muhammad-Chadia Nationality – By beating her, leading to her death.

Thank God, the security authorities were able to arrest the accused was charged with the crime and was brought before the Criminal Court to issue his death sentence and to uphold the court's ruling. appeal and the Supreme Court, ordering the execution of what was legitimately approved and supported by his representative against the offender.

The sentence of execution was executed in the honor of the author / debtor Bin Humaid bin Abdullah Al-Qafari – Saudi Nationality – Sunday 1439/10 / 24H in Medina [19659003] The Ministry of the Interior announces this to ensure the vigilance of the Guardian of the Two Holy Mosques God – restore security and justice
