"Knesset" approves racist "national law" – Al-Manar TV website – Lebanon


The Israeli Knesset ratified the "Fundamental Law of Nationalism" by a 62-member majority on Thursday, an opposition of 55.

With the ratification of the law, the deputies of the joint list divide it and throw it to the Prime Minister. "The State of Israel is the national homeland of the Jewish people" and that the right to self-determination in the state of Israel is limited to Jews and that migration leads to direct citizenship. Only concerns the Jews, and "Greater and Unified Jerusalem is the capital of Israel," and Hebrew is the language of the Jewish state "The state considers the development of the settlement a Jew of national worth, and works to encourage and support his establishment and stabilization. "

The Joint Arab List considered, in a declaration, the national law that it The most dangerous laws enacted in recent decades, which would prevail over ordinary laws and affect the interpretation of laws, as they define the constitutional identity of the system, which determines who is the sovereign and considers "the sovereign Jewish people alone in the state and in the country".

In the statement that the common list is considered the law of nationalism

Israeli media quoted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying after the adoption of the law that "122 years after the publication of Herzl it was decided that, "Israel is the national state of the Jewish people", asserting that it is a national state that respects the rights of all its citizens and that it is the only country of the Middle -Orient to do it.

For his part, the outgoing leader of the opposition, Yitzhak Herzog, "History will judge the question of whether it will hurt adding" that he "hopes" that the sensible balance between Judaism and democracy will not be affected. "

The Knesset Speaker, Edelstein, considered the ratification of the law as a "historic" event, asserting that he "ensures that Israel is a national state of the Jewish people, for the generations. "

The Knesset had discussed hundreds of reservations on the provisions of the law, from Wednesday afternoon, Wednesday, until Thursday morning.

Source: Palestine today

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