Know your body: Lymph nodes spread throughout the body to protect it


Lymph nodes are elliptical clusters of tissues in the body that play an important role in protecting the body against infections and cancer.

Function of lymph nodes in the body

Lymph nodes spread throughout the body according to the report of the site " verywellhealth"They are located in groups such as underarms, thighs, neck, pelvis and abdomen.

In certain areas such as the neck, the lymph nodes are superficial and can be felt. In others, such as the abdomen or the thorax, the lymph nodes are deeper and can not be felt.

Each person has a lymphatic system in the body, which consists of lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels, carrying lymphatic vessels, a clear fluid called lymph collected tissue throughout the body.

The lymph contains cellular waste such as cancer cells, bacteria and viruses, which are then drained into the lymph nodes where they are filtered by infection control cells located in the lymph nodes.

A sign that immune cells in the lymph nodes are resistant to infection or cancer are swollen or swollen, so-called lymph nodes or glands.

Lymph nodes
Lymph nodes

How are the lymph nodes tested?

If your doctor is concerned that the lymph node is affected by cancer or infection, he or she will undergo a biopsy of the lymph node or remove it completely, then examine the contents of the lymph node under a microscope.

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