Know your body .. The only bones of the lower jaw moving in the skull


The jaw consists of a pair of bones that form the frame of the human mouth and vertebrate animals.The jaw contains teeth, including the mandibular jaw and the upper jaw.The jaw is used to bite, chew and eat.

The lower jaw according to the site " innerbody " is one of the 22 bones that form the skull and the only one of those bones that do not merge with each other, which contains the upper row of teeth.

The lower jaw is made up of a 16-year-old horizontal arch and contains blood vessels and nerves, consisting of articular joints moving on both sides of the head, in addition to the muscles that chew.

The lower jaw plays an important role in many mouth functions, where movement of the mandibular mandibular joint helps to chew food, the lower jaw also produces elocution during opening and closing of the mouth. Facial expressions by the movement of the jaw. (19659002)

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