Kuwait welcomes talks on Syria's return to the League of Arab States


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Kuwait welcomes talks on Syria's return to the League of Arab States

The State of Kuwait has welcomed the talks on the return of Syria to its seat in the League of Arab States.

Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sabah al-Khaled al-Sabah said his country would be "very happy" to bring Damascus back into the "Arab family".

"Syria is a founding country of the League of Arab States, a pivotal state in the region and a vital task for the security and stability of the region," he said at a press conference with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov.

"The beginning of the political process, the return of Syria to a normal life and his return to his Arab family will be very happy for us in Kuwait," he said.

Read more: Will the Gulf succeed in bringing Syria back to the Arab League?

Source: Reuters

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