"Lack of acceptance of lactose" … a health problem in 70% of the world's population


It occurs for genetic reasons to avoid milk consumption

Cairo: Dr. Hani Ramzy Awad

Lactose intolerance (lactose intolerance) is one of the most widespread health problems in the world: nearly 70% of people suffer from it. Lactose is the essential carbohydrate found in milk and by-products. The problem is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme that breaks down these carbohydrates (lactase enzyme) into two simpler types of sugars (glucose and glactose) so that they are easily absorbed in the intestine and, therefore, the use of the body alongside other foods present in dairy products such as calcium and protein.
Of course, the discovery of this disease begins in childhood almost at preschool age up to almost three years. Most children are born with adequate inhibitors of lecithis to prevent symptoms.
– Causes and symptoms
The causes of lactase deficiency are primarily genetic and are therefore more common in some breeds than in Africa and Asia than in America and Europe. In most cases, the disease is associated with the person until the end of his life, but it is sometimes only a secondary symptom of another disease, but it is temporary, as some diseases affecting intestine, causing inflammation and affecting the secretion of lactase, such as celiac.
The problem of non-acceptance of lactose is that dairy products are a very important food, as is its taste for children, such as ice cream and various types of cheese and chocolate, among others.
The symptoms of lactose intolerance depend on several factors, including the age of the child and its increase in age, including the presence of the enzyme, and the severity of the symptoms. It also depends on the proportion of lactose consumed, as most children with this condition can eat very small amounts of lactose in ice cream, for example without health problems. Symptoms usually begin at age three in stunted infants and are all related to the digestive system, such as feeling full with gas accumulation, nausea, abdominal pain, cramps, and diarrhea. by lactose intolerance, which draws water into the intestine due to increased concentration. A large amount of fluid sometimes occurs in the desire to vomit. These symptoms do not last long and stop once you stop taking dairy products.
Some children born prematurely (premature or premature) may develop a lactase deficiency and symptoms persist for a short time only after birth. As they grow up, health problems go away. However, the vast majority of premature babies can eat breast milk or milk Industrial milk containing lactose. Sometimes, very few children have a genetic defect and therefore do not have a basic enzyme. These children can not eat breast milk and are exposed to severe diarrhea. They risk drought and lose weight if their baby is not fed a formula without milk without lactose.
– Diagnosis and treatment
Children can get calcium by eating milk and their lactose-free products or alternative dairy products such as soy milk or almond milk.Soymilk is preferred because it is high in calcium, same as the proteins and its taste is palatable for children. Calcium can also be obtained from plant sources such as rich vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and nuts such as almonds, as well as fish such as salmon and sardines.
Medications may also be used if the child has significant calcium deficiency through laboratory tests. And most often it is a drop or a drink, but it is necessary to describe these drugs through the doctor and not according to the decision of the mother so as not to cause calcium deposits in the kidneys if the proportion of normal in the blood and if it was not really necessary.
Lactose intolerance is primarily diagnosed according to the patient's clinical history of history and his family history, as well as symptoms. Some tests can be done to confirm the diagnosis, such as a breath test.
His idea is to measure the proportion of hydrogen in the child's breath before and after taking a fluid containing lactose and, of course, only a small proportion of hydrogen in the breathing. But lactase deficient children have a very high hydrogen content. It is also possible to perform a fecal analysis: in the case of fecal glucose, cracking of lactose is often insufficient due to the absence of the enzyme.
The treatment of lactose intolerance depends on the severity of the symptoms. Sometimes, if the symptoms are mild and the child eats dairy products, he may take drugs containing a lactase enzyme supplement and present in several trade names. If the symptoms are more serious, the consumption of dairy products should be avoided, but it is necessary to try to obtain the same nutritional value for the substances contained in these products, whether naturally or through medicines because they are necessary for the healthy and safe development of children.

– Consultant in Pediatrics

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