Some people have laughter or sudden crying, do not stop, not by sadness or joy, but by the disease of "pseudo-false effect", which we know in the following lines, according to the site " mayoclinique"He said.
The pseudo-false effect is a state of uncontrollable laughter or sudden crying, which usually occurs in people with certain neurological conditions or certain injuries, which can affect how the brain controls the emotion .
Frequent and involuntary access to crying or uncontrollable laughter.
– Laughter often turns into tears.
Because the false bulb effect often involves crying, it is wrongly diagnosed as a depression.
The effect of fake bulb occurs, usually in people with the following diseases:
– stroke
– dysplastic sclerosisALS).
– Multiple sclerosis.
Injuries to the brain.
Alzheimer's disease.
– Parkinson disease.
Diagnostic methods
It is usually diagnosed through a neurological assessment, both by neurologists and psychiatrists.
Treatment methods
The treatment of pseudoephedrine requires the use of antidepressants and some other medications prescribed by the doctor, explaining the fact that the disease exists to the family so that the patient receives psychological support from family members.
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