League of Arab States for the declaration of domination of the occupying power over the "Golan": false


The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, said that the recent statement of the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, that the Golan territory was under the sovereignty of the occupying power was immutable and that it would not change the situation.

He added that the declaration was empty in form and content and contravened international laws of mind and language and undermined the status of the United States of America, noting that Security Council resolutions had been adopted at the time. unanimously to confirm that the Golan Heights was a busy land. And called on Israel to reverse the decision to annex the Golan Heights.

This article "The League of Arab States on the declaration of domination of the country occupying the" Golan "on the" Golan ": false" is derived from the site of (Long Live Egypt), and does not reflect in any way the policy of the site or the point of view, .

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