Learn about the hidden symptoms that indicate a heart problem


Posted on the siteAv. B. Re"Russian, a report
Indicate that some body signals may not be clear to detect the disease that is suffering
Among them, but can actually represent the evidence of a particular disease.

The site says, in his report, that he translated
"Arab", This extreme fatigue may be due to lack of sleep or the incidence of the flu,
But experts warn that this is one of the symptoms of heart problems.

The inability of the heart
Pumping oxygen-laden blood to various organs weakens the body, which explains the sensation.
Very tired

Swelling of the legs is a symptom that a woman may feel, according to the website
A carrier or traveler who stays for a long time in the same place on the bus or
L & # 39; plane

But swelling of the legs can be a symptom of heart failure because the legs swell
When the heart does not pump blood efficiently throughout the body.

And if the swelling of the legs results
For dysfunction of the heart muscle, will be accompanied by other symptoms such as shortness of breath and fatigue.

The site reported that severe pain while walking
And its disappearance in a sitting position can be a symptom of aging, but it is also considered
Symptoms of peripheral arterial disease.

Fat accumulation in the arteries of the legs is associated with heart disease,
The risk of blockage of an artery is up to 50%, but it can be treated

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The site pointed out that dizziness may be due to several independent reasons
Heart health. For example, when you exercise, you may feel dizzy and have
This is due to drought or rapid and sudden recovery.

He can be
Vertigo is caused by the use of certain medications, by problems of the inner ear or by anemia.
But repeated dizziness can be a sign of heart problems, such as blockage or arteriosclerosis
Heart valves do not function normally, which affects the process of pumping blood and causes vertigo.

The site indicated that shortness of breath when climbing stairs or any similar activity
This may be due to asthma or anemia.

Shortness of breath is also a symptom
Hidden problems of heart valves and his inability to pump blood naturally.

The site has reported that depression is one of the most common problems
Common in the world. In general, depression is not a sign of heart problems. But
Several studies have shown that depressed people are more likely to develop diseases

Migraine can be one of the hidden symptoms of the presence
Heart problems. Twelve percent of the world's population suffers from headaches
Forty percent of migraine patients suffer from heart disease
And the blood vessels.

The site pointed out that experts confirm that some patients suffer from
Heart problems, they hear the heartbeat during their sleep, but some patients can adapt
The sound often changes the position of the body during sleep when you hear the sound of the pulse.

according to
Experts should not ignore this sound because it may be due to low blood pressure or a small proportion.
Blood Sugar

The site noted that anxiety, sweating and nausea
The classic signs, which indicate a panic attack, but also longer than one
Symptoms of heart attack.

If these symptoms coincide with shortness of breath
Extreme tiredness, accompanied by chest pain, can move to the back of the shoulder or
The arm or neck, it is evidence of heart problems.

In fact, the people
Who are going to the hospital in the hour following the onset of symptoms of heart attack
They have a greater chance of survival.

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