Learn how to activate Whatsapp fingerprint protection


The well-known WhatsApp messaging application announced the launch of the fingerprint lock feature for users of the Android operating system, which was revealed in February and which was applied for the first time from the version of the application in the operating system "iOS" several months ago. .

According to the technical site "androidcentral", this feature will be available in the beta version of WhatsApp for Android under number 2.19.221.

This feature allows users to add more protection to their WhatsApp conversations. When fingerprint lock is enabled, it allows you to choose how long the application will remain open. There are 3 options after "1 minute" or "after 30 minutes". The "Immediately" option requires the user to create a fingerprint each time the application closes and opens.

You can enable this feature by:

1- Go to Settings WhatsApp.

2. Click on the "Account" option.

3. Select Privacy.

4. Press the "Fingerprint Lock" option.

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