Learn more about the ideal diet to increase fertility


Published newspaper
"Lafangwardia"A Spanish report presenting a list of foods contributing to the
Promote fertility for men and women.

The newspaper said, in
His report,Arab"Nutrition plays an active role in promoting
Fertility is not a determinant of pregnancy. It should be noted that the worker
The main way to improve fertility rates has nothing to do with a diet, but mainly
By age.

The quoted newspaper
Specialist in Gynecology and Fertility at the University Hospital of Kiron Salud in Madrid, Antonio
"The 30-year-old woman has nearly half of women's fertility
The age of twenty, while women at the age of thirty-five enjoy about a quarter of the fertility rate
In the twenties, while the fertility of women at the age of forty fell
Almost ".

Antonio Goslevis added
What women usually expect "until a very advanced age, whether for procreation or for freezing
Oocytes, when too late must look for external causes, such as stress,
To reduce their guilt. But wait for this late hour for motherhood is like
Wait until the food expires to freeze it. "

The newspaper reported that
Dr. Maria de la Cai, author of "Fertility and Pregnancy Diet", thinks that it is
"There is no magic food." For its part, expert Joselevis said that "fertility
It has to do with pollution, age and not food. "But what do Esquimans have at a rate?
High fertility if they just eat vegetables? Or Bolivians living in
Plateau at an altitude of four thousand meters and do not consume fish?

In fact, the rate
Fertility is high among these people "because they are young", which means that no
Relationship with fertility stress. "Humans eat meat and have been created
Fertility. "In contrast, Dr. de la Kaye offers a diverse diet
And balanced, includes foods that will improve the health of the reproductive system and increase

The newspaper pointed out that
Light fruits help to increase fertility. Dr. Kaye explained
"Red and orange fruits are rich in vitamins and nutrients
Necessary for reproduction. Strawberries and oranges are considered fruit auxiliaries
Enzyme Q10 and vitamin C. Like this
The pomegranate is rich in antioxidants, knowing that the red fruits contain significant proportions of
Resveratrol compound. "

And stressed the need to include
Nuts and seeds in our diet increase the chances of pregnancy. Dr. De La
"These foods are rich in trace elements and omega-3, which is acidic
Essential fatty acids to promote fertility. "The doctor said that" all vegetables
Green leaf food provides the basic nutrients for reproduction. "So from the recommend
Kaye consumes this type of fresh vegetables or steamed. These are considered
Vegetables are high in folic acid that women need before and during pregnancy
From pregnancy.

The newspaper added that
Whole grains are easy to absorb compared to refined grains, which helps to reduce
High blood sugar, it also provides the body with certain compounds, such as compounds
Selenium, arginine, trace elements and amino acids essential for fertility.

Read also: What is the age at which women are "more fertile"?

She noted that about 50
% Infertility cases belong to the male factor, so men need to take care
In their diet, with the elimination of excess weight and cholesterol. In addition to consumption
Fruits that provide the vitamins and antioxidants needed to protect the DNA
For sperm, you must include nuts and seeds rich in omega-3 fish
Fatty acids in the diet because this fatty acid is necessary for reproduction.

Recommend Maria of the
Kaye's men need "the consumption of animal protein found in eggs and by-products"
Dairy products, which provide the enzyme coenzyme Q10 and acetylcysteine, are essential to quality
spermatozoa ".

The newspaper reported that Balah
Sea, blue fish and iodized salt provide basic iodine for the device
Reproduction system. De La Caye pointed out that these foods are not enough alone to improve fertility
But it is always better to include them in a Mediterranean diet that includes fruits
Fresh vegetables, legumes and olive oil. "

The newspaper said
Certain foods should be avoided according to Dr. de la Cai, as she deems necessary
Limit your intake when you want to be pregnant. From the Cai pointed out that
"Excessive consumption of alcohol, more than 14 times a week on average, negatively affects
Reproduction ".

The quoted newspaper
Maria de la Cajie said that "an increase in the abortion rate was recorded against a low rate
Live births in IVF, usually associated with dose intake
High caffeine (an average of five cups a day) ", recommends Maria de la Cai
"Do not exceed this limit of consumption", noting that "some drinks
Soft drinks and energy drinks contain caffeine. "

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