Learn more about the symptoms of intestinal worms in children


Many children, especially at the study stage, are exposed to repeated infections of the intestinal tract, forcing many mothers to worry about intestinal worms.

Dr. Mohammed Desouki, a pediatrician, said that worms infect children after following bad habits in everyday life, such as drinking polluted water or eating fruits and vegetables without washing food or food contaminated without cooking them or biting their nails with their mouths.

He pointed out that some symptoms appear on infected "belly worms". Parents should therefore follow their children if they experience the following symptoms:

The shape of the worms in the stool varies according to their type.

– anal sting, sensing the movement of the anus region, especially at night.

– frequent colic.

– The patient is suffering from worms, especially anemia "Anxlstoma".

– Gradual decrease in weight.

People with abdominal worms have thinner symptoms.

– Insomnia and lack of sleep.

– Infection with "indigestion"

Silan saliva in children.

– Constipation or frequent diarrhea

– Chronic fatigue syndrome is synonymous with constant stress and fatigue.

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