Lebanese President warns against Israeli plan to impose solutions on Arab countries through "the agreement of the century"


Lebanese President Michel Aoun

Lebanese President Michel Aoun on Monday called for an Israeli plan to impose solutions to Arab countries through the "deal of the century".

Aoun, who met with a delegation of participants at the conference of the Arab Union of Veterans and Victims of War, which opened its 28th General Assembly in Beirut today, said that Israel believed that the conditions were in place to achieve its objectives in view of the fragmentation between the Arab countries.

He added that "trying to impose solutions on us should encourage everyone to come back to the central issue, because if it happens otherwise, we do not know what is the goal we are aiming for, but it will certainly very difficult, annexing more Palestinian land to Israel has become a fundamental means "Used in the Israeli electoral race. "

"Therefore, we must return today to bring the word of Palestine, the central theme, and listen to the voice of reason and heart, all the more so than Israel. does not work only at the level of individuals, but at the level of the people, in order to spread the distinction between them. "

This article "The Lebanese President warns against an Israeli plan to impose solutions to Arab countries through the" deal of the century ", adapted from the site (Kuwait News), and does not reflect in any way the policy of the site or point of view, but the responsibility for the news or authenticity rests on the source of the original news Kuwait News.

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