Lebanon News, Breaking News – Chinese President in Senegal strengthens economic ties


China and Senegal on Saturday signed new agreements to strengthen their economic ties on the occasion of a state visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping to Dakar, the first at this level since a decade or so .

Senegalese President Mackie Sal received his Chinese counterpart upon his arrival in Dakar, the first leg of an African tour, during which he will also visit the Chinese President, Rwanda and South Africa .

The Senegalese president said at a joint press conference with his Chinese counterpart that they had had talks "on bilateral cooperation and Sino-African relations and international developments . "

He praised China as "one of the greatest economies of the modern era" and its people "whose way formed a message of hope". "The backwardness is not a destiny and the battle of progress is gained by the spirit of struggle."

"Whenever I come to Africa, I see the great vitality of this continent promised with a bright future, "said the Chinese president, stressing" his full confidence in the future of Sino-African cooperation ". , b, e, v, n, t, s)
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