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A spokesman confirmed the L & # 39; artist On Saturday the couple decided to part, noting that he considered it best to take a break, away from the other, while focusing on "Their Psychology and Career".
It was Liam Hemsworth, Who starred in the movies "Hunger Games" or "Game Hangers", in an intermittent relationship with Miley Cyrus More than ten years ago, Hemsworth had promised the young singer to film "The Last Song" in 2009, and they broke up in mid-2010, then re-engaged and announced their commitment to 2012 and separated again in 2013, before returning to the end of 2015.
Last December, he announced Actor The singer and their wedding at a limited ceremony, according to the Associated Press.
Miley Cyrus reportedly said the couple would stay "Religion is dedicated to all the animals that she shares" and asked to respect their privacy.
Hemsworth and Cyrus played in a movie "The Last Song" Romantic 2010.
A spokesman for the artist Saturday that the couple decided to separate, noting that he considered it better to take a break, instead of a few, while focusing on "psychology and career".
Liam Hemsworth, who starred in "Hunger Games" or "Hunger Games", has had an intermittent relationship with Miley Cyrus for more than a decade. Hemsworth had promised her the young singer during the filming of "The Last Song" in 2009. They broke up in mid-2010, then got engaged again, announced their engagement in 2012 and broke up again in 2013, before to return at the end of 2015.
In December, the actor and singer announced their wedding at a limited ceremony, according to the Associated Press.
The couple will remain "dedicated to all the animals that they share," said Miley Cyrus, quoted by the agency, as asking for respect for their privacy.
Hemsworth and Cyrus played in the romantic movie "The Last Song" in 2010.