LinkedIn joins Facebook and provides night mode in its application
Revealed technical expert
Facebook is working on dark mobile mode
I wrote a blog about it: https://t.co/X5tAZuIlPz
Trick @Techmeme pic.twitter.com/w3vYpRgxUY
– Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) August 12, 2019
Tests to include the 'dark' night mode on its application to the Android version.
Wong said that, while analyzing LinkedIn's Android application codes, she had noticed the night mode as an additional feature, but was still in its infancy and needed further improvement.
I have attached a photo of the application to his personal Twitter account, as usual; she shows her celebration in black with blank titles, as shown in the attached picture.
Microsoft's catching up of social networks on LinkedIn with many applications and networks that offer a dark status is good news, especially for employees, as well as for job seekers via this large professional platform.
Many of them spend a lot of time. Thanks to this function, working on the platform at night becomes less stressful and guarantees the safety of the eyes more than the current background in white and bright blue.
With this analysis, we can expect the platform to test the dark situation in the near future by providing it to a limited number of users before launching it as a public feature for everyone.
Wong also revealed that Facebook was working to provide night mode via the main application of the platform, explaining that the work was still in its infancy, which means that users of the largest platform of the platform world will soon have this feature.
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Blogging to test the night mode on its Android version appeared for the first time in the world of technology.
This article "LinkedIn tests the status of the night on the application of the Android version", adapted from the site (MSN Saudi Arabia), and in no way reflects the site's policy or point of view, but the responsibility of actuality or its validity lies with the source of the news of origin is MSN Saudi Arabia.
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