Long-term owners are most likely to suffer from "varicose veins"


A long-term study suggests that long-term owners are more likely to develop varicose veins. Long-term genes can also cause valve collapse in the veins, leading to blood aggregation at times, resulting in varicose veins.

The study, conducted on more than 490,000 people and the largest of its kind, showed that varicose veins were a warning sign for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism.

Scientists at Stanford University hope their results will lead to treatments targeting the genes responsible for this condition, forcing patients to undergo surgery or laser treatment.

The scientists, led by Dr. Erie Fukaya and medical student Alisa Flores, used data from the British Biological Bank to determine the genetic risk factors for varicose veins in 593,519 people. Varicose veins. The average length of participants was 162 cm.

With the aid of artificial intelligence algorithms, scientists have identified 30 specific areas of the genetic code associated with the development of inflated veins.

"Our results strongly suggest that height is a cause, not just a related factor, but a potential mechanism leading to varicose veins," said Dr. Eric Engelson, author of the study. It is not known how long a person must stay before being in danger.

In addition to the size, the increase in age or weight gain, as well as pregnancy or varicose veins in the past, are also factors of increased risk of overweight. infection, according to the results published in the journal Circulation.

"We have confirmed that in the past, deep vein thromboses would increase your risk, and the recent study suggests that the opposite also seems to be true, the presence of varicose veins exposes you to a risk of blood clots", said the author of the study, Nicholas Lapir.

Although other factors such as smoking, lack of exercise and family history increase the risk of varicose veins, their length was an unexpected result.

Scientists hope the new study will highlight several genes that may represent new transient targets, leading to the development of sophisticated therapies against varicose veins. Russia today

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