Look .. So, it looks like the moon of the Kingdom today before the eclipse and the moon of blood


The Citizen – Riyadh

Some people interested in astronomy, the lunar eclipse, the moon or the bloody moon took pictures of the moon in the Kingdom before the expected phenomenon and the most 21st century. The Moon is the longest of the 21st century, the moon turns red and the sky will see some of the planets of the solar system appear

The International Center for Astronomy of the United Arab Emirates provides a direct diffusion of the phenomenon of the 39 lunar eclipse. Accompanied by astronomical events, via his channel on YouTube.

The center reported that the eclipse The total that will be the longest in this century will last 103 minutes, and can be seen on the YouTube Center page

The video on the central channel on YouTube shows the time exact remaining for the beginning of the rare astronomical event.

An area to see and preview this phenomenon, during which the color of the moon will turn red, and will be accompanied by the possibility of seeing Mars, Venus and Jupiter and even Saturn, according to the International Center for Astronomy

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