Makkah passports record 4961 passports in one day


Under the directive to quickly terminate passenger transactions

Brigadier Abed bin Fayez al-Harthy,

Al-Harithi added: This is in line with the guidance and monitoring of General Passport General Director Suleiman Al-Yahya, who in turn promptly directed and completed the citizens' transactions.

Mortgage or place them in dangerous places, "he said (19659006) Makkah passports record a record number of 4961 passports in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States.

Brigadier Abed bin Fayez al-Harthy, Head of the Passport Department of Makkah Region, revealed that the region's passports have reached a record of 4961 passports. one day.

] Al-Harthy added: This comes on the advice and follow-up of the Director General of Goa "

Al-Harithi called on Saudi nationals traveling abroad not to neglect their passport, mortgage them or place them in dangerous places, stressing that the necessary instructions should be taken to ensure their safety. The danger of losing their passports, highlighting the need to register their passports upon arrival at Saudi consulates and embassies, wishing them a good trip and promises of good.

July 10, 2018 – 26 Shawwal 1439

12:24 AM

Brigadier General Abed bin Fayez al-Hay revealed The Director General of Passports, Major General Sulaiman Al Yahya, who in turn quickly led and completed the citizens' transactions first. Al-Harthy urged Saudi nationals traveling abroad not to neglect their passports, to mortgage them or place them in dangerous places, insisting on the need to take the necessary precautions to ensure their safety. In Saudi consulates and embassies, wishing them a good trip and good promises.

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