Mansour Al-Khalidi Arissa in Jizan


  Mansour Al-Khalidi Arisa Bjazan

Captain Mansour bin Abdulaziz Al-Khalidi Al-Harthy celebrated his wedding in the city of Bisha in a special and joyful night in the presence of a group of people. friends and acquaintances from all parts of the Kingdom.

The most sincere invitations and the most beautiful congratulations to married people of a dignified and prosperous family.

  Mansoor Al-Khalidi Arisa Bjazan

  Mansour Al-Khalidi Arisa Bjazan

Mansour Al-Khalidi Arisa Bjazan


Captain Mansour bin Abdulaziz Al-Khalidi Al-Harthy celebrated his wedding in the city of Bisha in a special and joyful night in the presence of a group of friends and acquaintances from all parts of the Kingdom.

The most sincere calls and the most beautiful congratulations to the bride and groom of a dignified and happy family.

July 21, 2018 – 8 Zul Qa'd 1439

10:20 AM

Captain Mansour bin Abdulaziz Al Khalidi Al Harthy celebrated his wedding in the city of Bisha. , In the presence of a group of friends and acquaintances from all parts of the Kingdom.

I want to thank all our faithful and we always promise you to do everything in our power, we can transmit news from all sources of information and facilitate your reading. Do not forget the IK work for our Facebook page and follow the latest news on Twitter. With greetings from the family of the site of Oyoun Al Khaleej, Mansour Al Khalidi, Arisa Bjazan, Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive news.
Source: Previously