McCron assistant under investigation for assault on a person during a protest


Paris – d

Published on:
Monday, July 23, 2018 – 6:51 pm
| Last update:
Monday, July 23, 2018 – 6:51 pm
A former assistant to French President Emmanuel Macaron has been the subject of an investigation for allegations of aggression against a protester at a demonstration on May 1, told Deutsche Presse. Agentur dpa judicial sources in the French capital, Paris.

Alexandre Pinala, 26, a former Macron security advisor, faces charges of mass violence and illegal use of public power.

Pinala was fired last week after being identified In a video clip wearing a riot police helmet and shooting a woman A young woman on her neck appears to have assaulted another young man during May Day demonstrations at Paris

The Elysee initially decided to stop Pinala from working for 15 days and to entrust him with another job before the public exhibition was exposed, accused McCron's office of concealing the 39; incident.

Four other people were being investigated in connection with the incident, including three police officers accused of sending images taken by surveillance cameras to Pinala

. The past of this incident, which led to the worst political crisis for

Interior Minister Gerard Coulomb is expected to respond to parliamentary inquiries into the Monday scandal, including how much the government is aware of the incident before it appeared in the media

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