Mecca .. Campaign to monitor violations continues and removes 4 buildings and 3 violation violations


The "sub-temples" pursued by the directives of the necessity to follow these violations

The sub-subsidiary of Ma & Abda continues its missions and continued visits The visit, conducted last week, on the removal of a large number of buildings and interdictions violated, established by random methods and without valid instruments.

The Holy City Secretariat warned against the violation of public lands and construction. You are complacent in Iza

The field teams last week conducted a campaign in which 4 buildings under construction were dismantled, there were violations of the building, and 3 newly built violations were all offenses on public property.

The Secretariat notes that these monitoring visits by the sub-municipalities stem from the guidelines issued to monitor these violations and to use to eliminate any encroachment on public lands and property.

Mecca .. Campaign to monitor violations continue and remove 4 buildings and 3 Violations of Violations


It should be noted that the field teams conducted last week a campaign during which 4 buildings under construction were removed, there were violations of the building, and 3 violations of modern construction,

The Secretariat notes that these surveillance visits by municipalities are based on guidelines issued to monitor these violations and to work towards the elimination of encroachments on land and property.

July 29, 2018 – 16 Dhu al-Qadah 1439

08:41 AM

Implemented by the "sub-temples" On the basis of the guidelines for monitoring these violations

The municipality of sub-municipality of Al Ma & abda continues its missions On the ground, the visit carried out last week allowed to remove a large number of buildings and illegal bunkers, erected at random and without legal instruments.

The Holy City Secretariat warned against encroachments on public lands and construction. Confirming that they will not be negligent in eliminating these irregularities and applying

Field crews led a campaign last week in which 4 buildings were dismantled, building violations and 3 new ones building blocks, all offenses on public property.

The Secretariat notes that these monitoring visits by municipalities are based on guidelines issued to monitor these violations and to eliminate encroachments on public lands and property.
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