Memory disorders in middle-aged people are a sign of diabetes in the future


A scientific study has concluded that diabetes begins to reduce brain size in the middle age and causes accelerated mental deterioration in old age.

Scientists have found that older people with type 2 diabetes have experienced a significant reduction in their memory and verbal fluency over the next 5 years.

It is disturbing to note that the participants – who averaged 68 at the beginning of the study – were already showing signs of brain injury that began several years ago.

Diabetes is the most serious health crisis in the UK, doubling in just 20 years.

Obesity is the main cause of this problem. Indeed, 90% of people with type 2 diabetes are associated with lifestyle and diet.

The researchers pointed out that diabetes was in itself a major health problem, which exposed the kidneys, heart, eyes and nerves to risk, but the study, published in detail in the newspaper diabetology Medical led by the University of Tasmania, suggests that this condition has a significant impact on the brain and can lead to dementia.

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