"Mido" threatened with imprisonment after being removed from his training duties of the Saudi unit


ahmedhossammido / instagram.com

"Mido" threatened with imprisonment after being removed from his training duties of the Saudi unit

According to Saudi media reports, the Egyptian Ahmed Hossam "Mido", former technical director of the Saudi unit, is facing a year in jail.

Mido was fired yesterday from the unit's drive after a fan went through Twitter to ask him to resign.

Mido returned after the incident to announce the hacking of his account, but it was too late.

A Saudi lawyer said in a press release that the cursed citizen by Mido had the right to appeal to the police and sue him.

The source pointed out that the diplomatic channels between Saudi Arabia and Egypt would be the link allowing the Saudi citizen to get his rights recognized by the Egyptian coach, if the victim resorted to the police and justice.

The Saudi lawyer explained that Article 3 of the Anti-Crime Law punishes anyone who violates their privacy by misusing smartphones or the like, up to one year in prison and a fine of 500,000 riyals or one of those penalties.

Source: agencies

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