Minister of Manpower Confirms Workers' Role in Addressing Arab Nation's Issues


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The Minister of Labor, Mohamed Saafan, emphasized the importance of the role of the workers in this period, which consists in deploying all the efforts and all the races to improve the status of our countries and the Arab nation and to increase the value Added to the national economy of Arab countries, which strengthens the ability of Arab countries to overcome the difficulties, the age of the Arab nation.

The minister stressed the ability of Arab workers to face the challenges and dangers that affect the Arab nation, avoiding differences and personal problems, and defending the interests of the higher Arab countries, and realizing the dream of the Arab world. Arab unity, which still shook the enemies of the Arab nation. Arabs have another business around the world.

This occurred when the Minister participated in the meetings of the Second Executive Council of the Arab-Petroleum, Mining and Petrochemical Union (2017-2022), which is hosted by the 39 State of Kuwait with the participation of about 8 Arab Member States during the three days that ended Thursday.

The minister said that the Arab world is currently facing a series of challenges and conspiracies, which require the attention of the workers' entities to meet these challenges and overcome them, especially as the working class represents more two-thirds of the Arab nation.

The Executive Council of the Arab Union of Petroleum and Petrochemicals honored the Minister of Manpower, Mohamed Saffan, with a commemorative gift for his union role for 33 years in the sector. Egyptian oil tanker before becoming Egyptian Minister of Labor in March 2016.

The Executive Council of the Arab Petroleum and Petrochemical Union of Kuwait elected Mutlaq Al Zu & Bi to the position of Executive Chairman of the Federation, in the presence of Ghassan Ghosn, Secretary General of the International Confederation of Trade Unions Arab, Chemical Emad Hamdi, Secretary General of the Arab Union for Petroleum and Petrochemicals, Salem Shabib, Petroleum and Hilal Ibrahim as a deputy to the Egyptian Ambassador, Tareq al-Quni.

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