Mo 'men Zakaria leaves Cairo on Monday to launch the Saudi experience for the second time


The Saudi-born playmaker heading to Saudi Arabia, Mawmeen Zakaria, will travel to Mecca on Monday to begin his career within the team after a six-month loan of up to $ 6,000. $ 150,000.

Lazzarti accepted the departure of Mamin Zacharia from the technical point of view, but the balloon refused to offer the initial amount of 100,000 Saudi dollars, before being approved after the administration of one of its offers to the services of the international wing at a price of $ 200,000.

He insisted on leaving during the current period, while refusing to freeze on the red bench and ignoring the technical staff linking him to Africa, to ask him to leave in order to have a chance to play before to come back to the red team.

Momen Zakaria has already been loaned to the Ahly Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) club last January for a six-month loan and returned to Al Ahly last summer before Red decided to lend it to him in January, but this time by the club door.

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