Citizen – Riyadh
Some people supported the idea of pluralism as Sunnah and Sunnah, but stressed that there were conditions and controls, no pluralism at all.
Others have opposed the issue of plurality, which is raised from time to time because it disperses the family and affects children's psychology, they said.
Mohammed commented on the marking, saying: "I am not against pluralism; The top ten and will look like the shadow of a tree; houses based on women's patience. "
Ali Hamid al-Zahrani tweeted: "His ten best results and it will be like a tree shadow."
Another said, "There is a war between men and women without purpose or benefit! How long are you against some ?! Each is complementary to the second of this life, if the situation continues in the desired form, the barriers allegedly tired for everyone in the future.
While another cynically commented on the costs of the wedding, she said, "Do not rush, you can become a dowry after."
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