Murtada striker Shikabala .. Wrestling naturalization wrestler .. Ismaili responds to the complaints of the stars of the future


The Egyptian sports daily goes through many of the difficulties and crises that are reviewed by "Eurosport Arabia" in this daily section, in order to illuminate and resolve them in the coming period:

Morteza Attacks Shikabala
Zamalek's president, Morteza Mansour, launched a violent attack on Mahmoud Abdelrazek Shikabala, the team's player, pointing out that a hearing was scheduled for his investigation Thursday, and that the statement that "we are not going to be there." he made only serves to deceive the white fans. If you threaten FIFA, we have a complete record of PAUK in the United Arab Emirates for Sporting Lisbon to escape Camp Germany. Blaming you for Respected people have embraced you and you have returned to sports life has been rewarded with a lack of literature and lies and defamation and we are with you for the last trip that rebels you. "

Naturalization wrestling player in America

Mahmoud Fawzi, a wrestler, posted a photo of him through his account on the social networking site "Facebook", where the player is in America to finalize citizenship procedures, to participate in upcoming tournaments, including Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

Ismaili responds to the complaints of future stars

The Ismaili Club Board of Directors, led by Ibrahim Osman, sends an official letter to the Football Federation to respond to complaints from future stars after the sale of Ibrahim Hassan to Zamalek during the current transfers , pointing out that the management of the dervishes is the only decision The future of their application for termination of registration of the player is void because the complaint has no support or law in accordance to current regulations, and talk about compensation for the Future Stars Club with half a million dollars from Isma 'ili is illegal. n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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