Myriam Fares returns to her artistic activity and therefore appears after the operation!


Cairo – She Wednesday, 07/11/2018 – 03:49

The artist Miriam Fares began to return to her normal life and to prepare to finish her artistic activities after more of two weeks,

My first appearance of Miriam Fares after surgery

After the long absence of Miriam Fares on the media sites, she reassures her followers and her public after two weeks of absence and publishes her first picture after her surgery Announced at the end of last month, Miriam appeared in good health and commented: "So every m I needed".

Myriam Fares seems to be preparing to resume her artistic life quickly before her planned appointment a month later, after her convalescence and her early surgical intervention, she is currently recovering from her home in Lebanon and is preparing to announce his new schedule at the end of the month.

The sources revealed that Miriam Fares is preparing to announce her participation in a new drama that has been prepared for her for a long time and used the permission period to discuss the possibility of working and stability in the detail.


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