We have already seen smartphones equipped with the Snapdragon 855 + processor come on the market, but Qualcomm looks set to launch its next flagship processor, code-named Qualcomm Kona. This may be the next Snapdragon 865 processor, which should be routed to next flagship smartphones next year. This processor has been tested for 12,915 points in the Geekbench multi-core benchmark tests, making it a superior system to any smartphone on the market.
The device tested includes a Snapdragon 865 processor, 6 GB of RAM and runs Android Q, but it is probably only a test platform and not a smartphone. physical. The base frequency of this processor is 1.8 GHz, but we expect that the new processor will exceed the threshold of 3 GHz, even if it is found in only one kernel.
Qualcomm is about to reach this threshold. The latest Snapdragon 855 processor has a Kryo 485 kernel at 2.96 GHz, so that 3GHz seems almost guaranteed in the next flagship processor of the company.
Qualcomm typically unveils its new flagship processors in December of each year. We therefore hope to see more performance tests of the next Snapdragon 865 processor in the coming months before being officially announced in Hawaii in December. In recent years, Qualcomm has hosted its annual developer conference on the island of Hawaii, where it will showcase new technologies and expose future projects.
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