Nadine Najim reveals her name and her role in "five and one text"


Actress Nadine Njeim continues to make the audience happy by revealing new details about her work for Ramadan.

Nadine, who revealed the look that she will see in her new series "Five and a Text", said in a comment on an image posted on her Instagram account that she would embody the character of one. doctor named Bayan and called the "fans" to wait for his next.

Qusay Khouli also revealed two days ago about the "lock" that will be presented in this series, while waiting for Mu'tassem to take a similar step.

Nadine had previously indicated that she would play a cancer patient in the series.

The series "Five and Text" is the seventh work of Nadine Najim with the company "Sabah Media", where she has already cooperated in recent years in the areas "road", "prestige 1", "text day", "Samra "," Lo ".

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