Nail diseases that you can not expect


Healthy nails appear smooth and have a uniform color, but your nails can get sick or suffer from certain conditions from time to time, especially in this article.

The nail is an envelope covering the fingertips, consisting of a powerful protective protein called alpha-keratin, but the nail can have many diseases associated with the body.

Here are the most common diseases that affect your nails:
1. Fungus fungus: This is a fungal infection that affects any component of nail formation, can cause pain, discomfort and deformity that can lead to physical limitations.

Patients tend to resort to pharmacotherapy to get rid of fungi such as terpenaphene, andraconazole, fluconazole and other treatments.

2. Scars: Nail scars cause the lower corner between the nail and the nail layer to fall below 160 degrees, resulting in a defect in shape. Causes of scarring include lung disorders such as lung cancer, interstitial lung disease, cystic fibrosis, gastrointestinal diseases such as enteritis and cirrhosis of the liver.

There is no specific treatment for scars, but if the condition of the disease that caused it is treated, some of the symptoms may improve.

3. Inflammation of the nerves or nails: The inflammation of the nails is the most common form of hand infection, often seen in people whose occupation requires repeated contact with water, like a watering. During the examination, the infected area may appear swollen and red and may contain pus in the advanced state, be treated with warm water and oral antibiotics, or maintain the Dry nail.

Surgical intervention may be necessary in chronic cases where abscess appears from the nail.

4. Topical tumors: are common injuries when the nail is exposed to a shock or a violent blow, as the large amount of blood vessels in the nail makes it vulnerable to bleeding. A large tumor can produce intense pain, which can be cured by incineration, where the nails are pierced to relieve pressure, and in chronic cases, the nail can be removed.

5. Nail syndrome: It is a genetic disease characterized by the appearance of defects in the components of the nails such as non-patellar tissue, elbow hypotension, l & # 39; Elbow inflammation.

The nails may not be present at all and this syndrome is evident at birth and may also suffer from other diseases such as glaucoma, attention deficit disorder or irritable bowel syndrome.
6. Nail psoriasis: the deformation of the nails is due to obscure causes. It usually occurs in patients with psoriasis with defective constitutive nail protein. A range of symptoms can appear on the nail, such as hollows or lines, narrowing of the nail, peritoneal hemorrhage and biopsy diagnosis of the nail.

Treatment focuses on the functional and psychosocial aspects of the patient. Other treatments include UV therapy (PUVA) and chemotherapy.

7. Horizontal lines: Beauty lines are called symptoms of a serious condition. Nail growth can actually stop. It often occurs in patients with kidneys, mumps, thyroid patients, diabetes and syphilis.

The treatment is focused on the underlying cause of the appearance of the lines. If you have diabetes, controlling blood sugar levels can reduce the lines.

8. Warts: Warts can form in the area surrounding the foliage around your fingernails, starting small with the size of the pinhead, growing slowly until you reach the size of the foliage. ;a cauliflower.

The surrounding wolves usually affect children and young adults and are generally difficult to treat, but they help start treatment once identified, which often corresponds to the human papillomavirus (HPV).

Source: Web Medicine

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