NASA begins a massive project to search for extraterrestrial worlds


  NASA begins massive search for extraterrestrial worlds


NASA launches a huge extraterrestrial world research project

NASA begins a great search for extraterrestrial worlds and the TESS spacecraft launches its scientific mission of exploring the universe and researching new planets.

The engineers who supervise the project hope to find thousands of extraterrestrial worlds, some of which may be habitable

The exoplanets study satellite of TASS or Transiting Exoplanet will look deep into the universe in search The spacecraft will rely on a technique called transient light measurements, such as those used by Kepler, which allows observing distant stars through decreases in luminosity caused by the planets that pass through (19659005). ) This technique has already allowed Kepler to create thousands of potential planets, some of which are key candidates for the hosting of life

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From the beginning of his work, the vehicle sends the first A set of scientific data next August, and then send new results every two weeks, and the sc team ientifique will look for these data on the signs of the planets as soon as they arrive.

NASA's director of space physics, Paul Hertz: Damning because the planetary hunter is ready to begin by painting the distant universe of our solar system and searching for new worlds. "With more planets than stars in our world, we are eager to find exotic and fascinating worlds that we need to discover."

Tess's mission is set to last two years, but like Kepler and NASA's other projects continue longer than planned, Tess's mission can last much longer.

Source: Independent

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