Netflix adjusts scenes from “The Squid Game” because of a phone number


South Korean woman could finally catch her breath after being inundated with thousands of prank calls and texts after her phone number appeared in the plot of the Netflix series “Squid Game” or “The Squid Game “.

Netflix and local production company Serene Pictures said on Wednesday they would adjust the scenes to remove the phone number that appears on a mysterious invitation given to potential players in a series of games for deadly children.

The nine-part thriller series, about cash-strapped contestants fighting to the death for 45.6 billion won ($ 38.31 million), was a worldwide hit when it premiered on streaming service last month.

Local channel SBS aired an interview with the owner of the phone last month, who identified her as Kim Gil-young, a woman who runs a business in the southeastern province of Seonju. The woman showed some of the messages she had received, including invitations to join the squid game.

Reuters calls to the phone number were not answered on Wednesday.

Netflix said on Wednesday, “We are working with the production company to resolve this issue, including the editing of scenes,” and asked viewers to refrain from calling the phone number or sending it messages like pranks.

The woman told SBS last month that it was impossible to change her number due to calls from customers and declined an offer of 1 million won ($ 840) in compensation. The channel said it had since received an offer of up to five million won in compensation.

Netflix and Siren Pictures declined to comment on any compensation offers on Wednesday.

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