Netflix begins by informing users of the next increase in the price of the subscription


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Earlier this year, Netflix announced that it would increase the price of its service. The company announced that the changes would come into effect in May and that, according to some information, the company seems to have begun to inform users of these changes.

For those unfamiliar with these price changes, Netflix decided to increase the subscription price of the base plan from $ 8 to $ 9. In addition, the company has also decided to raise the price of the HD package, which allows to simultaneously broadcast the HD on two devices from $ 11 to $ 13 and, finally, to increase the price of participation in the UHD plan , which allows you to broadcast up to four devices. A payment of $ 14 to $ 16 a month.

Netflix has steadily increased its prices over the years, although the company has tried to justify this increase by claiming that it used revenues to pay for its own series and films, as well as royalties for popular series.

However, price increases in 2019 could put Netflix at risk, as the company has more competitors, such as Disney, which plans to launch its own Disney service later this year.

Mohamed El Masoudy

A young Moroccan loves blogging online, he is a technology lover in general and a strong supporter of everything related to technology.

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