"The organization has lost touch with its Chandrian-2 spacecraft as part of India's ambitious plan to lay an unmanned probe near the south pole of the moon," said the chief of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Kailasavadivu Sivan.
"We analyze the available data," Sivan said in an auditorium filled with scientists disturbed by news broadcast at the Bangalore Observation Center. "Chandrayaan II is the continuation of the Indian lunar program initiated by the spacecraft." Chandrayaan-1, "which was sent to the moon in October 2008"
This article "New Delhi loses contact with a spacecraft sent to the moon" quoted by BaladNews and quoted in the letter of information (Lebanon), and does not reflect in any way the policy of the site or its view, but the responsibility of the news or its authenticity rests on the source of the news The original is the newsletter (Lebanon).
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