New details .. Conversion of "Gori" and "Jude" tests


Contact with father and mother will be transmitted to the competent authorities

Revealed to "preceded" new details on the issue of sections of abuse suffered by two children in Jeddah province,

Preliminary information received by the "protection teams" confirmed that the two girls, Juri-Jude, had been rescued by their mother and handed over to a relative of their father until the date of death. the procedure is completed. For the lawsuit.

According to the information, both children were referred to a (19659006) New Details .. Conversion of tests "Juri" and "Jude"


The "precedent" revealed new details on the issue of the abuse of two girls in Jeddah province, and the Ministry of Labor and Social Development announced the announcement. arrival of protection teams for both children. The "protection" teams had previously secured the two children, "Juri-Jude", with their mother's daughter, and handed them over to a relative of their father;

According to reports, the two children were transferred to a hospital in Jeddah to undergo medical examinations and security checks, the authorities continued to contact their father and the investigation is under way.

17 July 2018 – 4 Zul Qa'd 1439


Contact with the father and the mother will be transmitted to the competent authorities

The "precedent" revealed new details on the question abuse of two children in Jeddah, and the Ministry of Labor and Social Development announced the arrival of protection teams for both children.

She confirmed The first information obtained by the "protection teams" provided that the two young girls "Juri-Jude" were abducted from their mother and handed over to a relative of their father until the end of the proceedings, while the mother was referred to the competent authorities. The two children were transferred to a Jeddah hospital for medical examinations and security checks, and the relevant authorities continued to look after their father, and investigations are ongoing.

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