New details on the Galaxy Fold phone by a phone user


One of the Galaxy Fold phone users shared detailed information about Samsung's Samsung Fold Foldable phone prior to its launch on the market.

Samsung has been careful not to divulge many details and information about its folding Galaxy Fold phone since the first announcement of the phone in February, but one of the phone units appeared to a user, where many details were shared regarding the specifications of the phone.

The new details confirmed that the Galaxy Fold phone did not fold completely or completely. A small space is left between the two screens of the phone. The response time of the screen when opening and closing the phone has not been processed yet. Applications from the external screen to the internal screen.

The new phone details also indicate that this delay appears in the Chrome app, for example, when pages do not appear quickly in full screen when switching between internal and external displays.



This article "New details about the Galaxy Fold by a user of the phone" is taken from the website "Technology Without Borders" and does not reflect in any way the policy of the site or the destination. The responsibility lies with no limit to the information or the authenticity of the source of the technology.

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