New natural remedies to fight against Alzheimer's disease


We are used to providing ordinary people with herbs, fruits and vegetables in the form of vitamins and natural medicines without side effects for the treatment of their simple and chronic diseases.

A new natural and safe treatment for Alzheimer's disease

Where a group of researchers from the State University of Singapore has come up with a new treatment for people with Alzheimer's disease and those who fear the risk of infection with the disease. And in addition to those who are forgotten.

Mushrooms: the new effective and inexpensive treatment to fight against Alzheimer's disease

The new treatment, which is widely available and reasonably priced, consisted simply of a sufficient amount of mushrooms so that one could eat two servings a week to prevent Alzheimer's disease in the elderly .

300 grams a week is enough

The researchers found that eating this amount of "two tablets", which equates to 300 grams a week, can prevent the disease in the elderly, because it reduces brain cell atrophy and memory, and reduces the weakness of brain functions during the aging of man, and consumes more than 300 grams of mushrooms each week, useful and safe, according to the British newspaper "Daily Mail", and the site "Sputnik".

I have an ergothionein component and an amine that needs older people

The fungus contributes to an "amino" component that the human body can not secure and has few levels in people with Alzheimer's disease.

According to a major study conducted by the team of scientists on 600 elderly people in China, it has been found that people who consume this amount of mushrooms regularly have 50% less risk of developing the disease.

Dr. Irwin Xia, one of the authors of the study, described the fungus as containing an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory erghotionein.

Natural mushrooms are preferred by Asia and China and are widely used by the elderly in their diets, especially for authorities, grills, pizzas, rice and seafood soups, which are preferred by the Chinese and Japanese peoples and are also indispensable in Asian and Oriental cuisine.

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