New Photos .. Find out why the Holy House in Black on Arafa's Day


A photoMost corners of the Holy House in Mecca are hung on Arafah's day in black, while pilgrims head to Arafat's hair to perform the largest corner of the pilgrimage.

The reason is that on this day, called the day of the "Khalif", the women of Mecca go in large numbers to the Great Mosque, in black abayas, to pray and pray, at a time when the shrine is free of crowds, embracing the black stone and praying to the most engaged, and dwelling near the Kaaba for long periods.

Many of them remain until the middle of the night of Eid and continue to change lining at dawn on the day of Arafa, and even near the prayer of In the afternoon, in a scene that they follow each year, while they were touring the Kaaba to prepare for Iftar fasting.

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