New study talks about incredible benefits of cocoa you know


According to a recent Italian study, the cocoa drink, which contains naturally active organic compounds, could help reduce the physical and psychological fatigue usually associated with multiple sclerosis.
The study was conducted by researchers from the University of Palermo, Italy, and published their findings in the latest issue of the journal "Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery Psychiatry".
Multiple sclerosis, which affects more than 2.3 million people worldwide, affects the central nervous system, infects the body's immune system, causes it to attack itself, particularly damaging the central nervous system of humans and disrupts communication between the brain and different parts of the body.
Patients with multiple sclerosis often suffer from muscle weakness, imbalance and deterioration of the body's motor functions, particularly walking, as well as impaired vision and sometimes paralysis.
The main symptoms of the disease are often observed in the 20 to 40 age group, which attacks women 3 times more than men.
To detect the relationship between cocoa and limit the effects of multiple sclerosis, the team monitored 40 people who had recently been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, drank a glass of flavonoid-rich cocoa powder every day for six weeks and compared them to another group.
The researchers found that the cocoa drink reduced the mental and physical fatigue of multiple sclerosis patients by 45% because it contained cocoa on flavonoids with anti-inflammatory properties.
A previous study had revealed that cocoa was a sure way to prevent Alzheimer's disease because it prevented the accumulation of harmful proteins that could cause brain damage because it contained antioxidant polyphenols.
The cocoa beans are extracted from the cocoa tree, then dried and roasted before being used for the manufacture of different types of chocolates.The cocoa granules are characterized by their bitter taste but can be mixed with honey or used in the manufacture of cocoa. various bakery products.

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