New study turns the scales … revealing coffee’s incredible heart health and blood pressure benefits


Exclusive translation: The general public considers coffee and caffeine to be bad for the heart as they link them to heart palpitations, high blood pressure, etc., but a recent scientific study overturns this hypothesis.

The benefits of coffee for the heart

The study found that just one cup of coffee a day can reduce the risk of long-term heart failure by up to 12%. According to the “Daily Mail”

Researchers note that the antioxidants in coffee may help reduce inflammation and protect against disease, and they found that consuming caffeine from any source – not just coffee – appears to be associated with lower risk of heart failure.

Controls coffee consumption in a healthy environment

After a study of 21,000 people, American experts concluded that most of the evidence confirms that coffee has health benefits, as long as it is not consumed in large quantities or with an abundance of sugar and sugar. cream.

Research has found that drinking 3 to 6 cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk of palpitations by 13%, but if it exceeds this limit, the risk of heart disease increases by 22%.

Other benefits of coffee:

1 / Fight against liver disease and type 2 diabetes.

2 / It can help people live longer.

3 / The most consumed stimulant in the world and reports indicate that it can increase daily energy expenditure by about 5%.

4 / Combining two to four cups of coffee a day with regular exercise will be more effective in maintaining weight.

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